Our Approach

Our outstanding staff are driven to inspire every student to seek excellence and be remarkable in their own way.


The Learning and Teaching program at Cabra is student centred, future-focussed and inclusive. Our educators focus on creating a supportive and engaging learning space, fostering critical thinking, problem solving, and a love of learning. We also understand the importance of taking risks, adaptive thinking, and working collaboratively as essential aspects of high quality and impactful learning.

Our students are able to choose from a rich and diverse range of subjects as they progress throughout their years at Cabra. We support each of our students as they seek to excel in the pathway for which they are destined. We achieve excellence in many different avenues and individually scope and design a future-focussed pathway for each young person in our community, to develop skills and attributes which encourage them to be active agents of change, and life-long contributors the greater community.

Our ATAR results are outstanding, a result of students having freedom and choice to study subjects that appeal to them, inspire passion and incite creativity and curiosity. Coupled with University pathways, we offer a number of flexible options to support students in other tertiary avenues, apprenticeships and meaningful employment.

Our teachers are highly skilled and passionate educators who are facilitators of curriculum and capabilities which allow students to develop a life-long love of learning, as well as supporting them to thrive. We know that students perform at their best when they are supported, experience positive and respectful relationships with their peers and staff, are accountable and have the ability to advocate for their own learning journey.

To further enrich students’ learning experiences, we are committed to the continual enhancement of our facilities, grounds and ever-changing curriculum to ensure that these learning experiences meet the fundament needs of students in current global environments. Our facilities, including building projects, technology and resources, support a vast array of curriculum choices, from Visual Art and Design to Food and Materials Technology, the Performing Arts, as well as Mathematics, Science, English, Languages, Humanities, Health and Physical Education, the Rite Journey and a contemporary Religious Education program.

In our quest to support students in the development of their learning, we have a number of recent past scholars who are available for free tutoring after hours in our Monica Farrelly Atrium each night after school, to continue to develop student’s study skills and independence.


Cabra Dominican College welcomes applications from all families seeking a Catholic education for their children.

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