The college library is invitingly located in the stunning Monica Farrelly Atrium.
This is a warm and friendly space for students to visit from 8.00 am until 5.00 pm Monday – Thursday and on Fridays until 4.00 pm. We welcome students to the facilities to read, study, or meet with their friends, and encourage them to take advantage of our wide range of resources.
Students are encouraged to read widely from our specially curated collection of materials. We have a suggestions box that enables students to make requests for specific titles they would like to read or which they feel other students would enjoy.
Our Year 7 and 8 classes have a Library lesson once per fortnight where they can listen to the Teacher Librarian talk about new and older titles to spark their reading curiosity. Students also engage in our Literacy Pro program, which tracks their reading progress, and work on their reading skills through participation in Literacy Circles.
Our well-qualified, friendly library staff love assisting students with their reading choices and helping them to find the right book.
We are constantly updating our extensive collection of print and digital resources. Students can choose from over 40,000 print books and a vast array of digital materials including the Gale collection of resources, EBSCO databases as well as online encyclopedias. Our E-collection of resources are available 24/7. Students can access our collections of print and electronic resources via the schools SEQTA page by clicking on the library icon.
We have a focus on literacies (information, media, reading and digital) to ensure that students are meeting their learning and personal goals. The Teacher Librarian/s are available to work with classes or individuals to develop their research skills supporting them in upskilling their study and research capabilities.